Translational research on Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
Friday, June 14th, 2019
Biopark Auditorium - Paris 13
The life science Institute Pathophysiology Metabolism Nutrition (ITMO PMN) covers a wide spectrum of research in physiology, experimental medicine and human diseases. The diseases in question frequently show common biological mechanisms and often lack of suitable treatments designed on a pathophysiological basis. Moreover, the diseases although organ-specific, cannot be considered independently of the numerous interactions with the whole organism and the environnement.
Within the PMN scope, cardiovascular, metabolic and nutritional diseases with their devastating complications represent a major public health care challenge. Diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obesity lead to cardiovascular diseases, the major cause of mortality in middle- and high-income countries. While ischaemic heart disease represents the major cause of death in Type 2 Diabetes patients, Heart Failure is the second most common cardiovascular disease in T2D. The feature of the observed Heart Failure called Diabetic Cardiomyopathy in those patients needs to be better characterized. Basic and clinical research is required to progress in our understanding of the mechanisms involved in the Diabetic Cardiomyopathy, in order to develop novel strategies for the prevention and appropriate therapy.
The symposium on Diabetic Cardiomyopathy gathered scientists and clinicians working in the fields of Diabetes and Cardiology with the goal to share their respective knowledge, to explore the synergies and complementarities of scientific expertise and thus foster collaboration. Furthermore, the symposium gave the opportunity to build a network devoted to translational research on Diabetic Cardiomyopathy, and establish a basis for shared grant applications in the context of national or european calls for proposals.
>>>>> Program
Poster session: The symposium also focused on the promotion of young scientists who were invited to a Poster presentation.
Poster dimension: max. 91 cm wide x 122 cm high – Portrait format
>>>>> Poster session
Organizing Committee
Christian Boitard, Geneviève Derumeaux, Bénédicte Gaborit, Nathalie Grivel, Xavier Prieur